Adult Uses for a Backpack

 I remember growing up, a few days before the first day of school, my parents would take my sister and I school shopping. I loved shopping for school supplies. Even now, as a mom, I get excited about taking my boys school shopping. The highlight of the shopping trip as a kid was getting a new backpack. Looking for the cutest backpack that would allow me to fit all my school stuff in it without it making me look like I was going hiking instead of school.

As an adult, I still enjoy a good backpack. I mean, let's be honest...they are really convenient. Here are some of my favorite ways to use a backpack as an adult.


Ok so let's get the obvious out of the way. Lots of people are still going to school in-person even with the popularity and necessity  of online classes rising daily. If you find yourself having to attend a class in person (whether it's college/university or taking a drawing class at your local Cultural Arts Center) you'll need something to carry your stuff in. Typically a purse isn't big enough for a laptop or tablet, notebook, writing utensils, your wallet, car keys, etc. Plus, let's not forge the aura a bookbag brings. I don't know about you, but carrying a bookbag into a learning environment just gets me into the studious mindset.

Photo by Mikael Kristenson on Unsplash

Before becoming a full time artist, I worked as a 911 dispatcher. As a dispatcher, you have to be prepared to not only work your scheduled 12 hour shift, but also be prepared to possibly stay beyond that if the "excrement hits the fan" (manpower shortages, bad weather, major events, etc.). Visit any 911 center and you will see everyone there has a backpack or some sort loaded with all their survival goods. Blankets (call centers are freezing!), their breakfast, lunch, dinner, or all  3, extra snacks, a book to read, etc. 

Whenever we were expecting bad weather, we all came to work prepared to spend the night there. During these times, our backpacks also included pajamas, a change of clothes, and toiletries.  

I can see this being the case for people that work in the medical field as well. Pretty much any job that requires you to work long hours, a backpack is a great option to carry all the things you need to make it through the shift.

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on Pexels

Even now as a full time artist, I still use my backpack when working outside my studio. Whether it's a co-working session with a friend at a local coffee shop or painting in the park, a backpack is a great way to carry everything you'll need for the day comfortably.

Diaper Bag

When I became a mom, I could not stand carrying around the typical diaper bag. To me they were bulky and not practical. I couldn't wear it on one shoulder because the strap would slide off while trying to carry an infant in a baby carrier or trying to chase down a toddler. Wearing it cross body was also a "No" because the shape of it just made it uncomfortable.  And let's not forget the fact that they are not stylish at all! 

My husband also refused to carry the diaper bag with him when he had the baby by himself. They aren't really "manly" to be honest so I understood his beef.

Now a days I notice that a lot of brands are offering backpack style diaper bags, which is great! Using a backpack as a diaper bag eliminates some stress. Just throw that thing on your back and now your hands are free to carry that infant or chase down your future track star. Plus, your husband won't mind carrying it as much.


A backpack also makes a great overnight bag (Netflix and Chill anyone 😜) or a carryon bag for when you get "flewed out".  I've used my Arie Debren Art "Pink Reflections" backpack as a carryon multiple times. It can hold a pretty good amount of stuff. Check out my latest YouTube video to see for yourself.

Another way I use a backpack when traveling is as the central station for my family at theme parks. My family and I usually hit the Florida theme parks once a year. I am not carrying a purse at a theme park so a backpack is the next best option. We usually throw everything that everyone needs in my backpack - wallets, water, snacks, sunscreen, hand sani, lotion, phones and phone chargers, etc. When you wanna get on a ride it's easy to slip off and throw into a locker. 

People usually think of school children when you say the word "backpack". But a good backpack goes well beyond that in potential. 


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