Inspiration Behind My New Oil Painting - "Silk"

“Silk” is an 18” x 24” oil painting on stretched canvas. I was inspired to create “Silk” during a . . . let’s just call it a “special moment” with my husband. Inspiration can strike at any time let me tell ya! You gotta be ready to accept the vision that may pop into your head.  

My initial composition started out a little different at first. 

After watching a webinar on how to improve the composition of a painting, I changed it up some. She’s a lot more interesting to look at now and a little less “pornographic”😉. What do you think? 

My new composition definitely makes her a lot easier to place in the home.

For me this painting represents romance and the desire to look and feel sexy for your significant other. Her facial expression is a little timid. Maybe she’s not sure of herself. Maybe she’s still hesitant about completely opening up emotionally. At the same time, though, she’s still giving that come hither look.  

What does this painting say to you? 

Both the original oil painting as well as art prints of “Silk” are available in my online shop for purchase.  


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