The Ultimate Gift Guide for Art Lovers

If you're on the prowl for the perfect gift for an art lover, you've come to the right place. As an art lover and art creator, I'm practically an expert on what gift to get a girl (or guy) to celebrate that special occasion. Here's a list of the perfect gifts to get the art lover in your life:

1. Original Art Work

Find out who your art lover's favorite artist is and get them an original piece of their work. Or commission that artist to do something special just for your loved one. Now, to be honest, this could get very pricey. Also, if you decide to commission the artist this is not something you can accomplish at the last minute. Commissioning a piece of art is definitely something you have to plan for ahead of time. I would say at least a few months depending on how busy that particular artist is. But, in the end, it would be worth it since you would have a total custom gift to give your loved one

2.  Prints

A more economical approach to the previous suggestion would be getting your art enthusiast a print from their favorite artist. This option would allow you to gift them something from their favorite creative at a fraction of the price. Some artist impose a print limit on their prints. Meaning, they only sell a limited amount of prints for a specific painting. In this instance, even though the gift won't be custom, it would be limited edition. Thus, making it a little more valuable in the long run.

3. Favorite Artist's Merchandise

A lot of artist now a days sell their creations on other items besides canvas and paper. T-shirts are a very popular option. T-shirts are cool because you're not limited to just displaying your love of art on the walls of your home. You can express it in what you wear as well.

Artist also offer their masterpieces on tote bags. A great idea would be to purchase a tote bag from bae's favorite artist and fill it up with their favorite things. The tote bag does double duty as a gift and a gift bag!

If your art lover is also an artist themselves, another great gift would be to get them a sketch book. Even better - a sketch book with their favorite artist's art on the cover. To make it super special, add a love letter or poem composed by you on the inside cover. Now, every time they feel those creative juices flowing and open their sketch book they have that little extra bit of inspiration from someone they care about to further influence them. Don't forget the art supplies like pencils, copic markers, watercolors, etc.,  to go with the sketch book.

Greeting cards are another great and simple option to get an art lover. They may even opt to frame it and have it on display for years to come.

4. Art Museum/Art Event

Any art lover would enjoy a trip to the museum. Or maybe their favorite artist is on display at a local gallery. It would be awesome to take your significant other to the opening show and allow them the chance to actually meet their inspiration face to face. Maybe even get a signed print from them (major brownie points for you 😉). 

So there you have it, Arie Debren Art's Ultimate Gift Guide for Art Lovers! I hope this gave you a few ideas to get your creative gift giving juices flowing. If there's anything you feel I left out, please share your thoughts in the comments section. Happy Shopping!


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