These Are My Goals for 2019

Every year, like so many other people in the world, I reflect on my life and decide on what changes or improvements I want to make for the new year. And, like so many other people in the world, by the time February/March comes around, my aspirations for change and improvement are laying by the wayside (#FAIL).

Back in November, I decided that 2019 was going to be different. No more giving up on myself because I experienced a #FAIL or 2 (or 20). I pegged 2019 as "The Year of Commitment and Consistency". To get a head start, in December I started putting some things in play, so, by the time the new year rolled around, I was already working towards my goals for 2019. I did this with the idea in mind that it wouldn't feel like a resolution. No resolution = no pressure to keep a resolution. My plan is to not hold myself to such a high standard of perfection. Instead of expecting myself to accomplish everything I want to accomplish this year, I've decided to concentrate on being committed and consistent with trying my best. As long as I'm always striving for greatness, I will continue to grow as a person.

So, without further a due, here are my goals for 2019 separated by categories - self care, professional, and personal.

Self Care

  1. Eat right, exercise more - Cliche, I know. But, being consistent is a lot easier when you feel good. Eating a well balanced diet and getting plenty of exercising are some things that can help with poor mood and depression. One thing I've noticed about myself is when my diet consist of junk food and I'm vegging out in front of the T.V. for hours on end I feel lazy and down right disgusted with myself. Strangely enough, whenever I feel down about myself I kind of stop trying. In order for me to continue to stay motivated to be the best me I can be, I have to take care of myself.
  2. Reconnect Spiritually - Recently, I've disconnected from my spiritual side. I've been hyper focused on other things in my life. During my recent reflection period, I thought back to when i took the time to have personal Bible study in the morning with a hot cup of green tea. Those were such peaceful mornings. I would sit outside on my back deck, close my eyes and let the morning sun wash over my face. I'd sit and reflect on the beauty around me that was created by God for my appreciation. I'd do some deep breathing. All this while reading and meditating on scriptures in the Bible I felt were relevant  to who I was trying to become as a person. I would just sit for about an hour and let Him mold me. I'm ready to have that peaceful state of mind back.
  3. Build/Improve Relationships - The one thing I've learned about myself as an adult is that I take for granted the people that I care about and that care about me. I let months and even years go by without calling some of my family that live far away. I want to change that. I also want to put more effort into growing closer to my husband and my children. Having healthy relationships with the ones you love makes you a happier person. Me being a happier person means I'll be more motivated to continue working towards my goals. My plan is to call or text at last one family member a day and be more mindful in my interactions with my husband and kids.
  4. Take Better Care of my Looks - OK, so, this one is super vain. But, the reality is, when you look good you feel good. Plus, I'm sure it won't hurt my "Improving Relationships" goal with my husband, either (😉).

Professional Goals 

  1. Be Consistent! - I've changed my mindset of what consistent means to me in my life. Instead of viewing it as doing the same goal oriented task everyday, I've decided that consistent for me will be giving it my best everyday no matter what issues may arise along the way. Really, who am I to think that I am above difficulty in life? Everyone encounters trials along their journey, but for me to think that my journey will be traveled "perfectly", I think, is rather presumptuous of me. 
  2. Stop Doubting My Potential Greatness - Every since I could remember, I've always been afraid of success. Weird, huh. I've always been comfortable with being comfortable. I've never gone after a promotion at work because I felt like I was a good candidate. It was only after a co-worker or superior has pushed me into it, showing that they believed in me. Still, I would not be confident in myself and in my abilities. Even after actually getting said promotions, I still doubted my ability to carry out the jobs well. I'm tired of being afraid. I'm tired of feeling like I'm not good enough when everyone else sees my greatness. I want to see it too.
  3. Practice Drawing More - My desire for perfection has caused me to only want to create beautiful, finished pieces of art. This was not helping me to improve my art because in order for me to create said beautiful, finished pieces, I had to create the same type of stuff that I was comfortable with creating. It also did not allow me the opportunity to practice the techniques I so desperately needed to practice. I've never finished a sketchbook. I'll look forward to finished one (or maybe 2) this year.
  4. Expand My Creativity - Pinterest is my go to when my creative juices are empty. I've been using it to help me with my "Practice Drawing More" goal. Prompt list are great too.

Personal Goals

  1. Stop Caring About What Others May Think - Sad to say, but I've made (or did not make) many decisions all because I was so worried about other people's opinions. Living your life this way is exhausting to say the least. I have no idea where to start when it comes to accomplishing this goal. How do you just stop caring about something? If you have any tips on this please let me know.
  2. Stop Comparing Myself to Others - This is about me learning to be content with who I am where I am, and what I have in life. An occasional break from social media usually does the trick. 
  3. Travel More - I'm not talking about traveling the seven seas or getting stamps on my passport (or getting passport). I think I'll start small with visiting family that live in other states.
  4. Read More - And I talking about reading a real book, not a digital one. I used to be such an avid reader back in the day. I really miss the simple act of holding a book in my hand and being cuddled up a quiet corner, experiencing a new world all through words. Reading is also be a good way to expand my creativity.
I'm pretty sure this has been my longest blog post to date. I hope it gave you some ideas for any improvements you'd like to make this year as well. Remember, seek improvement not perfection. Celebrate all your small victories along the way.


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